Aah and yet another quarrel settles to a boil... Honestly, this interntet drama is wuite the lardish amount of bullshit and a hint of retardation. Being affected by interwebbed insultation is utterly useless and a complete waste of energy... Kisuke, I wish you all the best and my apologies for your difficculties with anyone here. Rebecca, do not down yourself, there will always be people who hate you. In fact, many people dislike me as well, but I don't fucking care. If they hate me, then that is all the more reason to ignore them and leave their comments un-heeded. You internet "bloggers" seem to over-dramatify every bit of an insult or defiance possible. This is the internet, these insults mean nothing and cannot be supported by carried out threats... So Rebecca, calm down, life's a bitch, we all know it. Kisuke, best of luck, but chill out; what heppens on the internet is just pure nothing. All it does is fill in unused time, it does NOT affect our daily lives. I think you're both over-reacting, but its your decision so... Oh well, I'm sure we will manage.